DHEC Outcomes
Develop Health Equity Ambassadors
Advance their community’s, knowledge, services and strategies to address the health inequities in their communities.
Develop a health equity platform that can shape engagement with decision makers, policy change, health and service access and community leadership.
DHEC Participation Outcomes
Gain an understanding of Health Equity and ways we work together to actualize health equity in Detroit.
Acquire tools and resources to be Health Equity Ambassadors in Detroit
Work collaboratively to authentically engage our community on issues of health equity.
Detroit Health Equity Council Evaluation
Event Calendar
Contact dhecouncil@mosesmi.org to get more information on the DHEQ
Core Strategy Team
Ponsella Hardaway, MOSES, Project Lead / Community Organizing
Chandra McMillion, McMillion Group, Project Manager
Adaora Ezike, City of Detroit, Behavioral Health Equity
Andrea Gutierrez, MOSES, Organizer
Maia Campbell, MiCHWA
Elon Geffrard, Birth Detroit, Birth Equity
Adebanke Ilori, MOSES, Organizer